

17 November 2022

Exactly five years after the successful exhibition ECCE HOMO (2017-2018), Gallery Geukens & De Vil again organises a large-scale art walk through the centre of Antwerp, exploring one universal theme: our planet.

50 contemporary Belgian (or residing in Belgium) artists show work that represents their vision on this theme. The exhibition tackles a wide range of topics: from statement to message, from confrontation to dialogue. There is both Sehnsucht for a Paradise Lost, and a quest for equality by a young generation of women. There is the beauty of a hidden piece of nature - a hortus conclusus - in a dense city, but also innovative scientific/artistic research within everyday reality on one side and the virtual realm of fake reality and the metaverse on the other. Furthermore, we see a struggle of the individual against ruling ideologies, or the (great) socio-cultural impact of isolation in the event of a pandemic or war. Which borders do we push - and which do we cross?

The exhibition takes place at 13 unique and diverse locations in the city center of Antwerp, including a vacant flat, the garden of the Cathedral of Our Lady (with a unique view of its Gothic architecture), Antwerp's oldest street, a gallery, public spaces, and some impressive heritage institutions such as the Nottebohm room of the Hendrik Conscience Library, Museum Plantin-Moretus & Snijders & Rockoxhuis.

17 NOVEMBER 2022 — 26 FEBRUARY 2023

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Photo: ©David Samyn & Courtesy of the Artist / Geukens & De Vil.